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Cylinder Hone
Item Number: AMM500
Cylinder Hone
- Constant, automatically correct honing pressure.
- Perfect finish for fast ring seating.
- Use with 1/2" heavy-duty drill - 500 r.p.m.
- Range: 2-1/2 -- 4-1/8" (63 - 105 mm).
- Oversize stone carriers increase range to 5-3/4" (146 mm).
- AMM621 400 grit stones (2 stones/felts)
Note: Must order AMM621 to meet Honda/Acura honing standards.
- AMM620 Stone Set
- AMM388 Stone Carrier Set
- AMM389 Stone Carrier Set
- AMM3567 Drive Shank
- AMM3568 Drive Shank Extension
- AMM37 Stone Retainer Springs (6)
One year.

- Do not use a hone on engines with carbon impregnated cylinder liners like the Honda Prelude Si or 1997 Acura NSX 3.2L.
- Use only a rigid hone. Do not use a “bottle brush” or spring type hone as they don’t maintain straightness and concentricity.
- Use a 400 – 600 grit fine finishing stone to achieve a quality finish.
- Always use honing oil and maintain wetness of cylinder wall and stones.
- Scrub cylinder walls using a mixture of hot water and laundry detergent and a stiff bristle brush after honing.
- For more information, refer to the Service Manual and Service News article for Honda, December 1996 and Acura, January 1997.