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PAX Upgrade Kit for TC3500 Series Tire Changers
Item Number: HUN2017951
Give your old Hunter Tire Changer a makeover with a PAX Tire System upgrade. With a PAX upgrade, you will have everything you need to expertly service tires, including the PAX tire system on the 2005 Odyssey Touring model.
The PAX Upgrade Kit contains accessories needed to handle all PAX Systems, including the large support ring and clipped support ring.
- Center shaft wheel support
- PAX arm press
- Wheel spacer and protector
- PAX bead lever
NOTE: The PAX Upgrade Kit may require additional installation at extra cost. Contact your local Hunter representative for an evaluation of your current equipment before placing an order.
Call your Tool and Equipment Program representative for specific warranty information.

To obtain your FREE Hunter PAX Tire Equipment Training CD, call the Honda Tool and Equipment Program at (888) 424-6857; request part number HUN5141T.